
堡盟BAUMER BOURDON HAENNI提供適用於壓力、溫度、液位、流量、作用力&應變力或電導率測量的過程儀錶,可靠且精密,一應俱全。


堡盟BAUMER傳感器解決方案分有無檢測及測距傳感器; 有無檢測傳感器能針對細小及高速的目標物檢測,測距感測器是針對無論是長距離或細如頭髮絲直徑的相關應用。






無論從事行業是印後加工、包裝材料製造、木材加工、汽車行業或機器製造,堡盟 hhs在噴膠系統和質量檢測系統應用都能確保品質並提供優良的技術服務。

微型壓力感測器 Series M5

製造商: 三鋒代理品牌 KELLER三鋒代理品牌 KELLER

Bandwidth 50 kHz / Resistant up to 200 °C

The piezoresistive pressure transducers Series M5 are ideal, thanks to the M5 fine thread, for taking measurements at close proximity in places where access is a problem and in very thin pipes – exactly the kinds of conditions associated with engine test benches. The front-flush design prevents gas bubbles interfering with fluid measurements and supports measurements up to 200 °C without a cooling adapter. The extreme dynamic range of 0…50 kHz makes it possible to record very fast pulsations just as reliably as those associated with static pressure values. A vibration-resistant Teflon FEP cable (IP67) ensures the 80 mV output signal is routed securely out of the hot environment and then onwards for processing.

Sensor technology
The Series M5 sensor incorporates a stable silicon sensor which is backside-soldered directly to a supporting element designed for excellent fluid dynamics. This construction eliminates the disadvantages of sealants, adhesives, separating membranes or capillary tubes in high temperature environments. The practically-flush connection to the measurement media is critical to the excellent dynamic range of 0…50 kHz. The micromechanical design delivers absolute measuring ranges of 3, 10 and 30 bar, overpressure protection of up to 5 times measuring range
and effective isolation of mounting forces, and a very low dead volume.

Conditions of use
Thanks to the materials used in the pressure connection (silicon oxide, stainless steel, and gold), the pressure transducers in the M5 series offer excellent media compatibility. They are designed for operating temperatures between -50 °C and +180 °C and come with a typical output signal range of 80 mV (based on a 1 mA supply) and an individual calibration certificate. The unit which incorporates a remote measurement amplifier is known as the Series M5 HB (see the data sheet) and can achieve a total error band of ± 1 %FS for the operating temperature range.

Performance characteristics
• Sensor head capable of exposure to 200 °C
• Broad compensated temperature range, with a choice of either -20…125 °C or -40…180 °C
• Excellent dynamic response, up to 50 kHz (pulsation measurements)
• Insensitive to structure-borne vibration
• Extremely compact design, pressure connection: M5 x 0,5 fine thread
• Teflon FEP cable with IP67 ferrule, suitable for use on test benches
• Pressure ranges of 3 bar, 10 bar and 30 bar (absolute) 

General Data


3 bar, 10 bar and 30 bar abs.

再現性 (最佳適合直線)

typ. ± 0,2 %FS


max. 0,05 %FS


max. 0,2 %FS



製造商網址 : Keller

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