完全防水自動化資料收集器 DCX-22 AA


100% Waterproof, Air Pressure compensated

The data collector DCX-22 AA measures and records ground water levels using KELLER's two sensor AA-technology (absolute-absolute). The submersible depth sensor measures the water level. Barometric pressure variations are measured and compensated with the built-in waterproof air pressure sensor which is mounted in the electronics housing at the top of the borehole. There are no ventilation tubes; this means the DCX-22AA data logger is very rugged and suitable for reliable applications in humid and wet environments. Even short periods of immersion and flooding will not cause a problem.

The electronics employ the latest microprocessor technology, which give high accuracy and resolution for the pressure and temperature signals from both the depth sensor and the barometric sensor. The measured values are mathematically compensated for all linearity and temperature errors of the pressure sensors. The use of a non-volatile memory ensures high data security.
The modular design of the DCX-22 AA offers the user the two options for collecting the data.

Standard design requires the user to visit the location, connect via data-cable and download data. The optional GSM-1 unit allows the transmission of data, and instructions (re-programming) to the data-collector from / to a remote location. The data can be sent to any mobile phone as a short message (SMS).


General Data


800…1800 mbar abs. 
for ranges up to 5 mWS

800…2300 mbar abs. 
for ranges up to 10 mWS


typ. ± 0,05 %FS / max. ± 0,1 %FS


max. 0,0025 %FS


typ. 0,5 mbar



Logger 5:
Software for read-out and configuration of data loggers. The data can be processed i.e. graphical representation, exportation, compensation of ambient pressure as well as conversion into water level. The online function shows actual measurements of the device.

製造商網址 : Keller

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